
My name is Courtney

Courtney Portrait


Oh, okay...Who?

node js

My name is Courtney, I'm a junior web developer who enjoys both designing and creating apps
for the web. I am a recent alumni from the CareerFoundry Full Stack Web Developer program.
I have used creative problem solving to traverse various industries in my work career,
along with great organization and attention to detail. I consider myself a life long student,
with a passion to learn and grow.

Some tidbits about me...

  • My first website was made when I was 14 , dedicated to Sailor Moon!
  • I paint and illustrate and have been in several galleries for charity
  • I have built computers(including my current one, Tina) and have helped my
    father build physical computer networks for malls and offices.

Recent Projects

MyFlix Angular App

angular project image

My first Angular application using the pirate movie API I created. It allows users to
create a username and password, to view various pirate movies and add them to a favorite list.
It is also my first project using Typescript.


Pokedex App

js pokemon api image

My first Javascript application using the PokeApi to display various characteristics of Pokemon.

Case Study

Chat App

chat app image

A React Native app for mobile devices. Users can chat and share images and their location
I used Google Firestore for user authentification.


Meet App

meet app image

A serverless web application I built using React. It was a project to help me better
understand test-driven development. It uses the Google Calendar API to display data on
various events that can be searched for by city and number of.


Movie API

snippet of code for movie api

My first foray into server-side web applications, I created an API featuring pirate movies.
I created endpoints to display different directors, genres and for visitors to sign up
and create a favorite pirate movie list. I used Javascript, mongo, cors and express-validator
among other things to create it.


myFlix Client

log in pic for app

A continuation of my pirate movie API, I also created the client-side view of the web app as
a React application. I used React, Redux, axios, prop-types and used parcel as my build tool.


Get in touch with me

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